Outsmarting your founder brain drama.

Ep 9. Outsmarting Your Founder Brain Drama

Unlock your entrepreneurial potential, overcome mental challenges and outsmart brain drama for business success.

Purpose-driven founder, do any of these things ever happen to you?

>>> You want to feel clear and confident about your pricing, messaging and strategies… but you still question these things a lot.

>>> New products, niches, marketing tactics, or even entirely new business ideas pop into your head in the shower…

>>> You don’t have enough time to implement your sales and marketing ideas, but if you are honest… you say yes to all sorts of other things in your business.

Friends… These are classic examples of BRAIN DRAMA. For instance, you might find yourself spending hours perfecting your website design instead of focusing on your marketing strategy. Or, you might hesitate to launch a new product because you’re worried about negative feedback. These are all signs of brain drama.

Brain drama is not just a random occurrence. It’s a survival mechanism that your central nervous system creates. It’s designed to keep you from doing new things, getting out of your comfort zone and reaching the next level of success. Your brain perceives the familiar as safe, so it resists change and new experiences, even if they could be beneficial for your business.

Brain Drama is detrimental to founders… because it’s so sneaky and powerful. The symptoms are hard to spot in yourself.

Brain Drama can literally have you derailed for 6 months, focused on non-needle movers and headed in a dead-end direction… But to your knowledge, you’re working hard, checking things off, and moving forward…

Don’t let Brain Drama derail you as a founder. The good news is, you can overcome it. You need to know what brain drama is, how to spot it, and how to manage it so you can be a strategic founder and CEO.

Rest assured, this episode will provide you with practical strategies to manage brain drama and become a more strategic founder and CEO.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  1. Why founders can accidentally get derailed when they THINK they are being strategic
  2. Why some founders spin their wheels while others reach success quickly.
  3. What brain drama is and how to spot it in yourself as a founder

Mentioned in today’s episode:

Coach with Kari – learn more at dobusinessbetterschool.com/coaching
