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Achieve Goals Faster with The Simply Sustainable System

Built for Ambitious Founders Who Want More Success and Less Stress

No fluff. Just actionable, science-backed strategies that work.

Increased Impact


Personal Life


Ready to streamline your path to success?

Simply Sustainable is a breakthrough system that helps founders sharpen their focus, streamline actions, and boost performance, so they stop wasting time and start making meaningful progress without burning out.

Do Business Better Goal Achievement System for Founders
Coaching for Purpose-Driven Founders and Social Entrepreneurs

The System That Creates More Speed AND Ease

Hi, I’m Kari Elizabeth Enge, the Founder and CEO at The Do Business Better School.

I’ve been teaching ambitious founders how to build more profitable, purpose-driven companies for a long time. I’m passionate about helping them because I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to be a successful, corporate-ladder climbing professional, and scrap the rat-race to start a purposeful business … only to find more stress and struggle than before. 

I also know what it’s like to feel the weight of your company on your shoulders in a high-pressured accelerator program and investor meetings.

But no one deserves to sacrifice their salary or sanity because they want to create a positive impact in the world through business.

It’s time to make your company truly sustainable – from the inside, out. 

In Simply Sustainable, you’ll learn the only Goal Achievement System you need to move the needle without the burnout.

These tools are foundational and will serve you and your company for life.

Founder, does any of this sound familiar?

These symptoms are common. But they are not normal. And unfortunately, startup culture has sold these as “part of the job.”

But none of this creates a sustainable business that moves the needle.

Sales Coaching for Social Good Startups and Purpose-Driven Founders

All these symptoms are actually caused by one root issue:

Your Central Nervous System

The system of the human body that scans the environment for threat.

Central Nervous System Coaching and Neurobiology Education for Founders

Simply Sustainable teaches you how to read and regulate your nervous system so you turn on your smart, strategic CEO Brain and leave your fear-based survival brain behind.

You’ll learn how to approach the true needle movers in an elevated way:

This isn't the future of business. It's the now.

If you are not utilizing the latest neuroscience and coaching tools like professional athletes and large corporate sales teams... well, you are simply being left behind.

These tools are actually simple, easy to apply, and don’t take much time. And now they are accessible to you.

Gain this fundamental founder education and arm yourself with a CEO toolkit to simplify your path to success.

Kari Elizabeth Enge - Founder of The Do Business Better School and Business Coach to Social Entrepreneurs and Purpose-Driven Founders

You might have heard of your nervous system, HRV, or the vagus nerve...

But this program is not about teaching you how to de-stress after a long workday, or telling you to have more work-life balance.

If that worked, you would have done it by now.

In order to grow your company with more speed AND ease…

You need to tap into a peak performance play state and your highest level thinking WHILE working: when you are sitting at the computer, completing tasks, strategizing, making high-stakes decisions, selling, and evaluating.

Most founders are completely oblivious of their mindset and nervous system state while working. They focus on checking things off, staying on track, making things ‘work’, and reaching the next goal. While unknowingly falling into low-quality thinking, feeling and doing.

It’s time to change that founder. Let’s get you off the outdated, oldschool hamster wheel and upgraded to modern-day goal achievement tactics.

Discover how to tangibly create better, faster results with more ease in just 15-minutes a day
Using the Simply Sustainable System

The Simply Sustainable System

Applying the System Each Day is Simple

Watch the Daily Video

Apply the latest neuroscience and coaching tools to your company. The videos are practical, results-focused and less than 10 minutes.


Do a 3-minute exercise to shift your nervous system state. You'll feel the shift and see how it simplifies your company, increases your results, and brings more ease to your workday within a week or so.

TFS Training

Answer a short daily coaching question that strengthens your mindset, confidence, and approach. The results speak for themselves.

You'll also get our CEO Day Template and Process to build powerful strategies, implementation plans, and evaluations. You'll be focused, structured, and powerfully moving forward with impact.

Here's An Overview of The Simply Sustainable System

Video Modules

Mindset Workshop for Accelerator Programs

Mind-Body Founder Foundations

First, you will learn how your founder brain and body work, and why nervous system regulation is crucial for founders.

When you start using regulation tools, you’ll feel clearer, more confident and more “in the flow.” You’ll go bigger without trying or adding to your calendar. Your strategies will become streamlined, and you will sell more effectively.

 But we don’t stop here. We’re just warming up!

Strategic Decision-Making

The next step is unlearning outdated, old-school tactics when it comes to goal-setting, deadlines, timelines and strategizing.

You’ll learn the DBB Decision-Making Process to make powerful, simple decisions you are confident to implement.

Teach the founders of your accelerator program the CEO Skill Sets they need
Curriculum design for accelerator programs


At DBB we like to say that Implementation is about IMPACT, not stuff. So the next step is changing your relationship with time, to-do lists and selling.

Your calendar will be spacious,  yet you’ll be moving the needle faster. You’ll improve your company’s messaging and positioning so it packs a punch in an authentic way. Finally, you’ll uplevel your selling mindset so you feel safe being visible and sell more effectively.


You gain our CEO Day Evaluation Framework so you build more momentum each month. You’ll also learn how to strategically troubleshoot and pivot when the unexpected happens.

By the end of the video modules, you will have a simple structure to follow each week (decisions > implement > evaluate) and nervous system tools to bring the best of your brain to each step.

Mindset coaching curriculum for accelerator programs

The Simply Sustainable System will help you graduate from the scattered startup mentality to a strategic, high impact CEO.
You'll see an increase in sales, more energy, a more spacious calendar, and more bandwidth for personal life and wellbeing to prove it.

Using this System in your startup will also help you to:

Coaching for Purpose-Driven Founders and Social Entrepreneurs

Here's How the Simply Sustainable Program is Structured

Daily Learning Structure

Each day, you'll watch a short video, complete a Nervous System RESET, and answer the coaching application question. That's it!

CEO Templates & Processes

You'll receive our CEO Day Template so you form a solid decision-making > implementation > evaluation cycle each month. The template includes coaching questions so you tap into your most powerful thinking while strategizing and planning.


You can ask our coaching team any question related to the System so you are never stuck on your own! It's like having a business coach on-call.

Group Coaching Calls

Watching other founders get coached is one of the most powerful ways to shift your own mindset and work through your own challenges. We'll meet in a group setting regularly to coach on mindset, nervous system regulation, decision-making, implementation and evaluation. There will also be live Q&A calls specifically around how to apply the System to core areas like messaging, sales funnels, raising capital, and more.

Bonus! Private CEO Coaching Sessions

You'll receive three 1-hour private coaching calls with Kari where she will personally help you integrate the System into your business. This is your chance to get personalized coaching to make smart decisions, get organized, and uplevel your mindset. You'll be off the hamster wheel, focused on the needle movers, and seeing more traction with less stress.

The best part? You have access for life.

That’s right. You have access to the coaching program for life. A one-time investment, and a compounding return on that investment for years to come as you continually hone and master the System and your CEO skills.

This program is designed for busy founders.

Life-time access means you can learn and implement the System at your own pace. Learning and applying it takes just 15-minutes a day.

 Weekly group coaching calls are recorded so you can participate at times that suit your schedule.

Welcome to The Do Business Better School - Coaching for Purpose-Driven Founders

The System has been proven by founders around the world:

Client Testimonial - Rank & File Coaching for Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs - Female Founder

I was on the brink of shutting down my business – mentally exhausted and frustrated, with a large workload that gave very little financial return. Working with was my last attempt. We simplified my offerings and made them more profitable. There were multiple calls where Kari uncovered the potential for more profitability (literally thousands of dollars) that I would have missed if it weren’t for her catching my blindspots! Kari also helped me price and position my brand and products with new messaging. Now, I have clear, compelling products that are selling better than before, and take me WAY less time to administer. I have been able to quit my day job and go full-time on my business after just 6 months of working with Kari. I feel capable, confident and excited for the growth ahead. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the impact you’ve made in my life!

– Kelly

Purpose-Driven Startup Founders using the Simply Sustainable CEO System

Before working with Kari I was really struggling on the vision for my business and feeling like I had focus or a clear way forward. It was preventing me from taking action and really going bigger. Over the last year and a half, my business has grown more focused and profitable. I have also grown in confidence in myself and my ability. Working with Kari has been a game changer. She over delivers every single week! Through her support, I am in a much stronger place than I was when we started. What you will learn to apply here is invaluable!

 – Torrey

One of the best outcomes is that my business works for ME – my values, personal life, and impact goals. Kari is constantly helping me grow and expand myself and my company. Just blown away by how my vision is coming to life. Kari, you are really such a talented mentor and coach. Just WOW!! Thank you!”

– Regina

“Before working with Kari, my company was losing money. Our branding and messaging were inconsistent with the business plan. Now, I have a profitable company with the purpose, brand and messaging that I originally desired. Thank you!”


Coach for Social Entrepreneurs | Coach for Female Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs

“It was incredibly important for me to work with someone with similar business and personal values. Kari’s knowledge and expertise come not only from starting and running her own company, but through her years of experience working directly with founders around the world. She was able to get me on my feet, help me find my uniqueness, and equip me to achieve my mission!”

– Lauren

Are you ready?

Integrate the Simply Sustainable System  so you and your business can move the needle and thrive.

Program Values


This program uses the most cutting-edge neuroscience and psychology-based mindset tools based on Nervous System Regulation and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Nothing is 'woo-woo' here. You can also rest assured that we won't talk about fluffy feelings all day long - only practices and skill sets that move the needle for you and your goals.


In this program, you'll learn how to identify your personal stress triggers and overcome common challenges faced by founders, such as pressure, overwhelm, frustration, indecision, procrastination, burn out, fear of visibility, and more. Thanks to the program's modern approach, you'll naturally start thinking bigger, achieve your goals faster, and enjoy the process more along the way.


This program is not about forcing a certain business model or marketing strategy on you. It's about arming you with a CEO Operating System to bring strategy, structure, momentum, and ease. It's about arming you with a CEO toolkit.

Coaching for Purpose-Driven Founders and Social Entrepreneurs

Frequently Asked Questions

The program is designed for all founders. In fact, we view it as foundational founder education that every single entrepreneur should have from day one.  MBA’s and accelerator programs are not teaching this stuff.

> If you struggle with any of the symptoms on this page, 

> if know that you could be a more strategic CEO than you currently are, 

> or you just want more structure, organization, ease and fun as you reach goals – this is the perfect program for you.

The Simply Sustainable System and its benefits will span your entire career as a founder and help you reach any goal you have.

What sets this program a part from general mindfulness courses, nervous system programs, or exercise classes is our tailored approach specifically to founders.

We don’t just teach nervous system regulation as an add-on, we teach it as a core element of our Goal Achievement System and how to tap into the power of your nervous system while doing each step: Making Decisions, Implementing, and Evaluating.

You will leave this program armed with a structured system to plug your company into and the regulation tools required to apply it well! 

The program uses a daily structure so you log-in, complete the three steps and then get back to business. It just takes 15 minutes a day.

All the group calls will be recorded so you can watch them afterwards.

Kari is used to working with founders worldwide. We will use Google Meet for our video calls which is free.

We encourage you to start listening to the Business Brain Rewire Podcast so you can get to know Kari and the Do Business Better Philosophy better.

Let's get you moving the needle in a more strategic and sustainable way.
Apply now by booking a free call.