Unlock the secrets to selling and the impactful sales process. Discover key concepts to transform your sales approach and boost your confidence. Learn how to create a safe selling environment, overcome internal insecurities, and build a strong belief in your abilities, product, and customers.

Ep 18. How To Feel Like You’re Never Selling Again

Selling can feel like a chore for purpose-driven founders, not something they LOVE. But the “I’ll do it, but I’d rather not” selling mentality isn’t a winning formula to grow... [Listen below to learn more]

Selling can feel like a chore for purpose-driven founders, not something they LOVE. But the “I’ll do it, but I’d rather not” selling mentality isn’t a winning formula to grow your company, founder.

But I get it, traditional sales tactics might feel disconnected from your values. So let’s dive into a more aligned, authentic approach to selling, allowing you to sell more and help more people with your product or service without feeling ‘salesy.’

First things first when it comes to selling: you MUST understand the neuroscience of your founder brain and create a sense of safety for your central nervous system. When you don’t feel fundamentally safe and aligned with your selling, you will get busy with other stuff, resist sales activities, or create bad marketing messaging. This all happens subconsciously.

So rather than bulldozing through insecurities, you must build up your belief in three areas so you are oozing with confidence and a sense of purpose. These three areas are called “The Belief Triad”

The Belief Triad

1. Belief in Yourself

Confidence in your abilities directly impacts your sales. Work on identifying and addressing personal insecurities. As your confidence grows, you’ll see a corresponding increase in your sales.

2. Belief in Your Offer

Your product must be something you believe in. The more confident you are about its value, the better you can communicate this to potential buyers.

3. Belief in Your Customer

Trust that your customers are capable and eager to buy from you and solve their problems with your help. This belief transforms is often overlooked and impacts your messaging the most!

Redefining Selling

Many founders also have a skewed perception of selling, often negative. It’s essential to shift this mindset. 

Selling is not about convincing; it’s about educating and helping customers see the value in solving their problems.

Don’t limit your impact to mere transactions. Your entire sales funnel, from awareness to decision-making, is an opportunity to educate, inspire, and serve.  Your selling is where you can truly impact the world. Your selling, if designed correctly should be the thing you LOVE doing most.

Focus on providing value at every stage to create a more meaningful engagement with your audience. Ready to make sales in a way that aligns with your values? 

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • The importance of creating CNS safety around your selling
  • How to build your belief and confidence in yourself, your offer, and your customer.
  • How to align your selling with your values so you LOVE doing it.

Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Increase sales and lower stress using DBB’s proven CEO System by learning more about the Simply Sustainable coaching program for purpose-driven founders.

The new Simply Sustainable program launches on September 10th with a special promotion for founding members until September 20th. Sign up early here and score exclusive bonuses! 


[00:00:00] Hey founder, I want to let you in on a little secret before we get started in today’s episode. So pull over, turn off the car, stop cooking dinner, get out of the shower, whatever you need to do, grab a pen and write down. Just [00:01:00] scribble a little note, Carrie’s new program, Simply Sustainable, launching September 10th. [00:01:07] And then make sure you put a little asterisk by that and write September 10th through September 20th, promotion for founding members. What that means is I created a course and a group coaching program for you and I cannot wait for you to be there and because of that I have Created a special bonus and a gift for you when you sign up in the first couple days The group program is open So if you want more information if you can’t wait to join or if you’re just curious come join the waitlist This is very important so that you don’t miss out on that promotional period You Because listen, if you email me a couple of days later and say you missed it, I’m going to say, here’s the link. [00:01:53] You can still buy the course in the group program, but not for the promotional price. All right. So get on the [00:02:00] wait list. You can find me on Instagram, just at DoBusinessBetterSchool, and then click the little link up at the top of my profile, add your email, and you’ll get on that waitlist. I’ll also link up an option in the show notes, so you can go over to the website, click on the show notes, and there will be an option there to join. I cannot wait to see you there. All right, that’s all I’m going to say for now. Let’s dive into today’s episode. [00:02:24] ​Hello, and welcome to today’s episode. We are talking all about selling more specifically, how to feel like you’re never selling again. For many of my clients, many of you who listening to this show, you’re purpose driven. And by nature, you tend to [00:03:00] shy away from sales. You also tend, I know, to wish that you didn’t have to do it. [00:03:05] Like it’s a chore that you wish that someone else could take care of so that you could just make the impact that you want to in the world. And so today’s episode is a mini crash course, an overview of some of the key concepts that I teach related to sales. I’m going to just unload a lot of my philosophy on you in a really high level way. And of course, I’m going to come back to some of these topics more deeply in later episodes, but today just thought it would be really helpful to all of you to have a moment to rethink how you approach sales, especially if you tend to be concerned about how you come across. Maybe you don’t want to come across as salesy or sleazy, or it’s just something like a chore that you wish you didn’t have to do. [00:03:54] This is the perfect episode for you. This episode is also just full of [00:04:00] gold for any purpose driven founder when it comes to sales. So even if you feel like you love selling, there’s something in this episode for you, that’s going to help you to be more effective in a selling environment. So the first thing that I want to talk about is the fact that most purpose-driven entrepreneurs tend to say that sales is not one of their most liked activities, right? [00:04:24] If you put all of the things that I’ve found or had to do on the table, selling would not be the one they pick up first. As their favorite. And I think that really is about some of the programming of society, right around rich people and about greediness and wealth. And that’s also a topic for a different episode, but I just want you to understand that there are limiting beliefs and social programming that are interfering with your view of what selling is. It also can [00:05:00] come from having a negative experience with another company where you felt like someone was really pushing and was really salesy and sleazy with you. [00:05:10] And it just rubbed you the wrong way. And now you’re afraid to come across in that particular way. Sales insecurity can also just come from internal insecurity. And I think that this is actually more common. And so before you start to work on what societies. Programmed you to believe and maybe what selling trauma. You’ve had from other experiences. I think it’s a way more helpful for you to lock in and work on some of your own insecurities about yourself and about your product, about your service. And about your pricing. [00:05:49] Okay. So that’s the first place we start in order to create safety. So before I go into some of those things, that’ll [00:06:00] help you to become more confident selling. I think the number one thing for you to understand is the fact that selling needs to happen in a safe environment. [00:06:11] So we need to create a lot of safety for your central nervous system in a selling scenario. And a lot of business coaches are not going to touch on this. They’re going to give you a lot of tips and tactics and things to try. And there are going to maybe tell you that you need to become more confident and try to give you some hacks but they aren’t going to explain to you that the reason why you are hesitating in a sales environment, or you don’t feel motivated to market, or maybe the reason that you are procrastinating and telling yourself you don’t have enough time to do sales and marketing activities. [00:06:52] It’s because you found. Mentally don’t feel safe. So when you want to be like, you never are selling again, if you want to [00:07:00] create more ease with your selling, or you’ve just want to open up more space on your calendar to sell, then we want to create more safety for you. [00:07:10] Safety is one of those big, key ideas that I want you to take with you. [00:07:16] So instead of bulldozing through all of our insecurities, like getting out of our comfort zone and doing all of these things that traditional entrepreneurial education tells you to do, we have to understand that your central nervous system will block you. If it completely feels like it’s too much, too big, too soon. [00:07:37] How do we create safety? So you automatically are able to just step into things without procrastination and overwhelm and insecurity. One of the best things you can do is, like I said before to build up your belief in yourself and in your product and in your pricing and everything related to your business. [00:07:56] So I like to call this the belief [00:08:00] triad, and this is actually a concept that my business coach Stacy Baymon taught me a long time ago that I now use in my own coaching practice. That I’ve tweaked for purpose-driven entrepreneurs and it’s basically a triad made of three different types of beliefs. So the first and most important belief for you to work on is belief in yourself and in your abilities. I have one client in particular. When we first started working together, one of the reasons why she was not enjoying sales and automatically stepping into more followup, like she mentioned in her episode and more sales activities, it’s because there was personal insecurities, about her capabilities and her skill sets. And what she could actually achieve for her customers. And [00:09:00] we worked on this and she worked on this over the course of about a year. And when she built confidence we saw that her sales were growing at about the same rate as her confidence was in her ability. [00:09:15] So you really want to look at what are the things that I don’t think I’m currently good at, or where do I feel like I have imposter syndrome as a founder, as a CEO, as a sales woman when I’m delivering to my customers, you really want to look at what are those. Things. And how can I build up my belief in those areas? The second part of this belief, triad is belief in your offer. [00:09:41] And by that I just mean belief in your product or your service. We cannot create safety and you cannot have this internal motivation to step into sales. You also won’t really sell anything very easily. If you don’t truly believe in your product or [00:10:00] your service. All right. The more you believe that it’s just absolutely needed in the market, that it really solves a problem. The more you believe that it’s a no brainer for your customer at a no brainer price, like the value is just skyrocketing. The more you can build your belief in that the more you will sell in an authentic way where you feel like you aren’t salesy, because your belief is just so high. You’ll also be able to sell it really well. [00:10:33] So you’re going to feel better about selling it and you’re gonna sell it well. And you’re not going to come across in that icky way. Because you will be in alignment with what you believe. [00:10:45] The other piece here is your price, right? So the more you believe that the price is right, the more that you’ll be able to talk about it in a really aligned way, that’s going to be like a magnet for your best people. The [00:11:00] third part of the belief, triad is belief in your customer. And this can come up in really sneaky ways. [00:11:07] This came up for me in my own business. And I didn’t even realize it until a coach pointed it out to me that I just didn’t feel like at the time my, my clients were really capable and excited to use my tools. And so I ended up babying them and micromanaging them and making all my tools like more in depth than they needed to be. [00:11:31] And I added a lot of clutter to my programs. And it wasn’t until I cleaned up that belief and really grew that belief that not only were my customers really capable of getting the result they wanted with my product. But they also wanted to buy it and they wanted me, to sell to them. It was at that point when I really built that belief that everything changed with that next revenue goal. [00:11:57] I was attracting more people [00:12:00] into my world that were capable when I believed they were capable. All right. So I want to say that again. When my belief was there. That might customer wanted it. Was capable of getting the result they needed with it. And that they wanted to be sold to that’s when I was a magnet for those very same people. [00:12:19] So you want to create a lot of belief around you and your abilities. The amount of belief in your product and the result that it gets in a problem, it solves and the need in the market and your price. And lastly, you want to build up the belief in your customer that they’re capable, that they want it, that they’re engaging with you, and they’re just ready to solve their problem with your help. When you’ve got all these things firing, you’re going to sell really well. [00:12:49] But I think the key here is that your messaging is going to just flow through you. It’s going to be really authentic and you’re not going to have those insecurities. [00:12:59] So we can never really solve this concern about being sleazy or salesy with your marketing and tell we clean up what’s happening internally for you. [00:13:10] This is a founder issue. This is not a sales strategy issue, so that is the first thing I want you to turn to. If you want to improve sales in a non sleazy way, let’s do your internal work. [00:13:28] Now, the other thing that I think is really important for you to think about is your definition of selling. Cause a lot of people just have this misconception with what selling is and what it isn’t, it’s almost like this. They just adopted this definition from a lot of bad experiences. And they think that has to apply to their company. And it just doesn’t. It’s if you were looking at all the marriages in the world. [00:13:57] We know that 50% of marriages fail [00:14:00] and 50% succeed on average, it would be like looking at all of the marriages and then looking at like half of the marriages, which is a lot of marriages, right? Half of the marriages and being like up that’s what my marriage has to look like. It has to look like that bad, negative 50% we know that 50% of marketing and selling is not bad and yet oftentimes we take just one or two examples of what we’ve experienced and we adopt those definitions. And our brain tells us that in order to sell, we have to do that. And then it puts a barrier between us and selling. [00:14:40] Now I think that most of this just goes away when you build your belief. So that’s why I started this episode with the belief triad, but I also just want to go through a couple of things about what selling is and what it isn’t so that you can catch if you’re thinking any of [00:15:00] these things for your business. Okay. So here’s what selling is not. Selling is not about you. Selling is about your customer. How often do founders make marketing and sales about them? About being professional about coming across as an expert, about building a community, about getting engagement. All of these things are very self-focused. But good selling is about your customer. It’s about really meeting them where they’re at talking about their problem and offering to help them. [00:15:36] And the more you believe in your customer, that they are so desperate to solve their problem, and they want to spend money instead of struggled to solve that problem. The more you can step into selling and feel really good about it because there’s a lot of people looking for an answer. So instead of being fixated on how do I look? How do I come across? How do I build this large community in this large following? You can [00:16:00] just get right into service. Another thing that selling is not as getting, yes. All right. Getting yes. And wanting to get yes, like being needy for the, yes. It’s going to make you come across way more pushy. Then you need to and in fact it will repel the sale. [00:16:19] So we really need to have that baseline of safety and sufficiency so that you are stepping into a selling environment saying, Hey, I’m just here for a yes or a no. And I’m here to just offer this to you and see what you say. All right. Now, when your beliefs high, you’re going to be able to really handle the objections and answer the questions because you want to make sure that they really know what they’re saying. [00:16:45] Yes or no to, but you’re not going to be really pushy about getting the yes. It’s about them finding what’s best for them. [00:16:53] Selling is not leaving people with less money. And I think that a lot of new entrepreneurs that struggle with pricing think [00:17:00] that if they’re charging more than that means that the only thing that happens is that people have less money. [00:17:05] Think about how awful it would be in the world. If we just couldn’t spend money to solve problems. And we cut in spend large amount of money to solve really large, important problems. [00:17:17] I was coaching a founder one time who offered holistic natural health care two women and she had a limiting belief that, people didn’t want to, spend money on healthcare because in her country, the government had a governmentally funded healthcare program and her belief was that the government should do a better job. [00:17:42] And that her particular thing that she helped people with should have been handled and paid for by this governmental program. And so she felt really bad talking to her, prospect women who came on her consult calls because she felt like they didn’t want to spend money [00:18:00] on this and they shouldn’t have to spend money on this. [00:18:03] And so we did a lot of work talking about how empowering it was for women to be able to make financial choices for themselves and for women to actually invest in themselves and make those decisions. And how amazing it was that the private sector could come in and support what the public sector was not capable of. [00:18:31] And it really shifted for her and she began to see that having women put down money and invest in themselves and in their health was a very important empowering activity that they got to do. And it actually helped them to get results and to change their lives. [00:18:50] And if she would have done it for free or done some sort of, I don’t know, insurance thing. Then it wouldn’t have helped her customer in the [00:19:00] same way. You really need to feel and believe in your body that charging the amount helps your client get results because it helps them assign value to it. [00:19:11] And the more you can believe that the more that you’re selling will be aligned and the more that your clients will get results, because if you believe in the value of what you offer. And you exude that they’re going to really adopt that belief and therefore spend more time and invest more effort into whatever your solution is. [00:19:33] So the money piece paired with your belief piece can really create a positive impact in the world. All right. It’s not about convincing people to buy it’s about opening up their eyes to what they don’t know. The only reason why a customer is stuck in their problem. And doesn’t want to move forward to solve it, is because they don’t fully [00:20:00] understand the problem and they don’t fully understand your solution in order to fix it. So it’s not about convincing people to just buy your thing. It’s opening up their eyes to the problem. To the solution, to the results that they can get when they fully understand the dynamics of their situation. [00:20:23] It is, about making an impact. It is about that education inspirational piece in your selling. And so that’s the final piece that I want to talk to you about today, because this is the core of my selling philosophy that has changed so many founders relationships with it. Selling is never a means to an end. [00:20:47] When you go out and sell, it’s never an activity that is just to make sales so that once you have a customer that you can make a difference in their life. You can really help them solve their [00:21:00] problem once they invest in it. But there’s so much impact to be created during the marketing and during the selling, when you’re doing it right. [00:21:09] So I want you to think about a typical sales funnel. A typical sales funnel has a couple of different layers. So at the top is the awareness part of your sales funnel. This is the amount of people who just learn about your company and who are aware of what you do. Maybe they see an ad for your company for the first time and they see your logo and they hear what your offer is. Now that’s going to be a very large number of people compared to the number of people who may be opt in to listen to your podcast or opt in to go to a workshop of yours or whatever. [00:21:45] That’s the next layer of interest. So there’s going to be a lot of people who know about you and less that are interested. The funnel keeps going down to consideration and then eventually the decision to buy. An [00:22:00] interesting stat is that a typical business can expect that only 1% of the people they come in contact with will end up converting or becoming a customer. [00:22:10] And what that means is that 99% of the people who come in contact with your company, Won’t buy. And there’s really nothing wrong with that. It’s just how marketing and selling works. So when we take that 1% and we tell ourselves that’s the only impact I can create in the world. We leave a lot of impact on the table. Because we’re thinking, oh, selling is sleazy and selling is just something I have to do when I’m really just after the 1%. But what I want you to open your eyes to is that you can increase your impact overnight by 99%, right? [00:22:50] When you include the rest of your sales funnel, when you include all the people you’re talking to every day that never buy from you. You can really make a [00:23:00] bigger impact in the world. And when you think of it that way, You end up selling more. When you use your sales funnel to make an impact, you grow your business. [00:23:12] It’s this counterintuitive thing. So I like to call this the impactful sales process and it’s where I have founders really define how they’re going to make an impact ahead of time ahead of the sale. And how we do that is we pick how we’re going to show up. And how we’re going to educate our audience. [00:23:33] Maybe you want to open up a blind spot that they don’t see. Maybe you want to educate them about their problem. Maybe you want to inspire. Maybe you want to encourage. We really need to figure out how we’re going to show up and feel in alignment with what we’re doing so that [00:23:52] we are more motivated to market. And this is what thinking about it in this way will do for you. It’s going to. really [00:24:01] help you to align. With the values that I know you have. [00:24:05] And when you pair the impactful sales process, With the belief triad, like when you’re actually saying, okay, I know that I’m going to show up to educate about the problem to provide aha moments about what blind spots they have and how they’re misunderstanding their problem. Once you do that and you pair it with belief in yourself, belief in your offer and belief in your customer. That’s when things really start to click. [00:24:33] If you are ready to maximize sales, feel really aligned with what you do and come across in a really values aligned way. Then make sure you get on the wait list for simply sustainable. Not only will I help you to really define what your messaging is and how you want to show up in your marketing. [00:24:55] I’ll also help you with the mindset needed to step into every single sales scenario with confidence so that you sell more and you can really serve the world. All right. Have a wonderful week serving the world and making sales and making time for self care. And I’ll see you here next week!
