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Boost Founder Success Rates in Your Accelerator Program

with The Do Business Better School Mindset Curriculum

The founders in your startup accelerator program most likely struggle with:

This leads to drop-outs, slow progress, and lower success rates... Which costs your program time, money and resources.

Most programs try to solve these issues by:

Even if you charge money or add more support to your program, it won’t improve founder outcomes without overloading your team. Because more information or more financial buy-in is not going to fix the underlying root issues the founder’s face.

Mindset Coaching for Accelerator and Incubator Programs Looking for a diverse, trauma-informed teacher

The below symptoms your founders face are common but not normal. And unfortunately, the startup culture teaches that they are an unavoidable part of entrepreneurship:

  • Waning commitment
  • Slow decision making
  • Second-guessing decisions
  • Slow action taking / procrastination
  • Stress, overwhelm and burnout with a fast-paced workload
  • low confidence and poor communication in a sales setting…

All these things are caused by one root issue:

The Founder’s Central Nervous System

The system of the human body that scans the environment for threat.

Central Nervous System Coaching and Neurobiology Education for Founders

Why does Neurobiology Matter for Startups?

Founders develop and grow their startups in a faster and simplified way when they understand how their neurobiology effects them, and learn to utilize it as a CEO.

The same mindset tools that turn floundering founders into strategic CEO's also strengthen their stress resilience too, which means their mental health and personal life thrives right alongside their companies.

Hire a Business Coach and Mentor for Your Accelerator Program

Once your founders understand how their brain and body affect their company… and learn how to shift their mindset to a more helpful state they will:

Do Business Better FounderS aRE

Gaining traction and making steady progress toward financially-sustainability.

Have a healthy personal life and a strong sense of wellbeing.

Because they have the neuroscience education and toolkit they need to use their founder brain effectively and streamline their startup journey. 

Central Nervous System Coaching and Neurobiology Education for Founders

Boost Founder Success Rates in Your Accelerator Program

With The Do Business Better School Accelerator Mindset Curriculum

Our Plug-in Digital Curriculum is an easy and cost-effective way to improve founder success rates by building upon the business concepts you are already teaching.

We teach founders how to regulate their central nervous system and use simple mindset tools so they bring the best of their brain to their business.

Then, we teach them 3 Core CEO Skill Sets so they: navigate challenges with more ease, expedite decision-making, take consistent data-driven actions, and sell more effectively.

All while lowering stress, overwhelm, burnout and other mental and emotional issues that tend to weigh down on a founder's personal life.

Coaching for Purpose-Driven Founders and Social Entrepreneurs

Kari Elizabeth Enge, Founder and CEO at The Do Business Better School and Lead Mindset Coach of the Accelerator Mindset Curriculum

Here’s a peek into our founder-centric, science-backed curriculm

Mindset Workshop for Accelerator Programs

Module 1: Mind-Body Founder Foundations

The level at which founders utilize their brain determines how well they strategize, implement, evaluate and succeed. So at DBB, brain science education comes first.

We teach founders how their entrepreneurial brain and body work, and how to use central nervous system regulation and mindset tools to strategize, implement and evaluate more effectively.

Module 2: Strategic Decision-Making

We teach founders how to use commonplace but often misunderstood tools like vision, goals, and action plans so they are laser-focused on needle movers.  Then, we equip founders with a simple decision-making process to make fast, confident decisions for rapid implementation. Because the faster your founders test, the more learning and progress they can make.

Teach the founders of your accelerator program the CEO Skill Sets they need
Curriculum design for accelerator programs

Module 3: Implementation

Application and implementation is everything. So we teach founders a simple implementation framework that helps them declutter their to-do list, reduce KPI’s and get them gaining traction on what matters with less overwhelm. This module includes sales and marketing mindset education too. Because a large component of a founder’s focus is sales (and science shows that 90% of what you communicate is actually unspoken).

Module 4: Evaluation

Most founders are not evaluating because they are too busy, can’t track and interpret data, or get caught up in the drama of failure. We teach founders a simple evaluation method and ‘CEO Day Practice’ that takes the guesswork out of evaluation.  We also teach them exactly how to objectively troubleshoot.

At the end of the curriculum, founders will have a simple structure to follow each week (strategize, implement, evaluate) and the mindset tools to bring the best of their brain to each step.

Mindset coaching curriculum for accelerator programs

We do not take an academic, theoretical approach. We cut through the clutter and teach practical tools that integrate into a founder's workflow. Because true understanding happens through application.

How it Works:

Watch the Video (Coming Soon)

Watch the free 5-minute intro video to learn why most programs are missing the mark when it comes to mindset education, and how the DBB Mindset Accelerator Curriculum can complement what you are already teaching your cohort.

Get Your Questions Answered

Schedule a 15-minute demo call with our lead coach Kari Enge, to ask questions and confirm if the Accelerator Mindset Curriculum might be right for your program.

Plug-in the Digital Curriculum with Ease and Confidence

Quickly and easily integrate our digital curriculum into your program without adding sessions or making massive changes to your program. We have a seamless onboarding process to ensure your founders are successful with the 100% virtual curriculum. We also share data with you so you can track outcomes.

You’ll see tangible founder improvements within the first few weeks of integrating the curriculum. 

Faster decision-making, simplified business models, more consistent action taking, lower stress

Our goal is that a higher percentage of your founders will succeed, so that you can strengthen the reputation of your program and more easily make the impact you want to create in the world! 

Curriculum Values


The entrepreneurial processes and frameworks you founders will learn are widely researched academic methods that we have decluttered so founders actually use them while strategizing, implementing and evaluating. We use the most cutting-edge neuroscience and psychology-based mindset tools based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Polyvagal Central Nervous System Methods. Nothing is 'woo-woo' here.


We teach founders how to trust in themselves and lean on their ability to navigate as CEOs instead of following the old-fashioned startup culture fueled by speed and scarcity. Your entrepreneurs will go from floundering founders to high-impact, low-stress CEOs because we focus on CEO Skill Sets inside our founder-centric curriculum. Our coach-approach is also grounded with diversity, equity and inclusion in mind.


Our curriculum teaches an important piece of the puzzle that accelerators are currently lacking: the central nervous system connection. Founders will learn how to shift out of common problems like overwhelm, frustration, anxiety, procrastination and anything else holding them back. This will allow them to form stress resiliency and achieve success with more ease because of the trauma-informed approach of this program.

Mindset Coaching for Founders that is Inclusive of Background, Cultures and Beliefs

About the Instructor

Kari Elizabeth Enge is an American social entrepreneur turned business coach at The Do Business Better School. Certified by the Life Coach School, Kari teaches founders the CEO mindsets and skill sets they need to become high-impact, low-stress CEOs.  

Kari’s background includes founding two companies, a hospitality management and business administration degree, and extensive management experience in corporate America. She has traveled to over 35 countries and has worked with individuals from more than 40 nationalities, which has shown her that:

No podcast, book, or even a fancy MBA program can get the results that coaching tools can. Why? Because the application is everything.

Trauma-informed, neuroscience-based coaching tools, which harness the power of the central nervous system and behavior change, are game-changers for founders. They help entrepreneurs integrate best practices into their daily lives, ensuring tangible results.

Integrate the Do Business Better School Accelerator Curriculum into your program, and watch your founder show up more strategically and effectively.

Coaching for Purpose-Driven Founders and Social Entrepreneurs
Get a Mindset Coach to Teach Your Accelerator or Incubator Program

Ready to place the missing puzzle piece in your accelerator program?

Click the button to watch the 5-minute intro video